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Chesterfield Office Web Page

This Office was founded in 2008 and is run by Mark Barber. The Chesterfield Office covers the geographic areas of Derbyshire and South Yorkshire. 


The Chesterfield Office Provides the following services:

◊ Surveillance                                ◊ Means Reports

◊ Tracing                                      ◊ Sickness Claims

◊ Music Licence Enquiries                 ◊ Staff Vetting

◊ Process Serving                           ◊ General Investigation

◊ Female Agents                             ◊ Neighbourhood Checks


The Chesterfield Office be contacted on the following:

A: Alpha Detective Agency, 8 Boythorpe Road, Chesterfield, S40 2ND

T: 07928 334093

E: [email protected]

Alpha Detective Agency (Chesterfield) is a franchise of the Alpha Detective Agency Brand. Supplied under Licence by Alpha Detective Agency Limited to Mark Barber

Copyright © 2007 Alpha Detective Agency Ltd registered in England No: 6041387