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Locus Reports |
If liability is going to be an issue, or you are going to trial, it is often essential to obtain photographic evidence to demonstrate the client’s version of events along with an accurate sketch plan.
Having a professionally prepared locus report can help overcome some of the hurdles a trial judge will expect you to have cleared up before entering the court room.
A locus report can be useful, but a quality, professionally prepared and detailed locus report can easily help win a case.
Whilst conducting a locus scene visit we always look for evidence which will assist in dealing with the issues as raised in our instruction brief. For example, if there are issues surrounding speeding we look for CCTV or witness testimony to clarify the matter whereas issues relating to a default in a road surface can be confirmed or rebutted during our investigation.
Before attending the locus we like to have as much information as possible, such as the particulars of claim, the defence, police reports and any statements or witness questionnaires completed already. We can then conduct a thorough analysis of the case and get a good understanding of the issues which need to be dealt with.
Our locus reports will include some or all of the following:
Locus photographs essentially tell the story of the accident, but it is important to make sure that those photographs tell the story the right way. In practice this means taking photographs which accurately depict the circumstances.
Locus photographs are acuratly put together in a photograph list and analysis to show the scene from the perspective of all parties involved in the case.
If you have any queries, or would like to instruct us on a case please call us on 01293 541214.