horsham & guildford branch - web page



The Horsham & Guildford Branch was founded in January 2006 by Steve May and Harriet Ledger. 

Areas in which we can help are:              



        Absconder Tracing


        Sickness claims                                

        Process Serving




        Neighbourhood Checks

Having a male/female team gives us a great deal of flexibility when it comes to matrimonial or general surveillance cases.          That along with the support of the rest of the ADA network means that we can respond throughout the southeast to nearly         any situation at a drop of a hat.

See our recent editorial here

Please feel free to give us a call on 01403 783303 or 07974 979415 (Out of hours) to talk through your needs.

Alternatively if you have any further questions please contact the Horsham & Guildford branch                  via email on [email protected]




Copyright © Alpha Detective Agency, 2006